Raising the Bar — Helping Law Firms & Companies Hire the Right Talent
What We Do
Hiring the right people matters! Your work matters! Where you work matters!
Selecting the right people and working in the right environment is a game changer for employers and employees. When the two are in sync, organizations and employees thrive.
People are your most important asset. Now more than ever firms and companies are vying for top tier talent. In this competitive job market, it is imperative to differentiate yourself by the quality of your staff. Investing time and energy hiring the right employee will yield dividends as you create alignment between talent and culture at your workplace. Bottom line: Thriving employees are the backbone of successful law firms and corporations.
In order to hire premier talent, firms and companies are turning to First Chair Attorney Search, LLC, (First Chair) for a competitive edge as well as sage counsel in identifying and hiring the best talent. Together, we will work collaboratively to recruit, interview, and retain the best talent.
Who We Help
First Chair Attorney Search LLC has over 20 years of experience placing attorneys in firms of all sizes including Am Law 100, Am Law 200, as well as public and private companies.
What People Are Saying
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Let's Get Started
For assistance with finding & hiring the best talent for your firm or company, please contact Mara Sonderman. Attorneys who are seeking assistance with a confidential search are also welcome to discuss career options.

Let's Get Started
For assistance with finding & hiring the best talent for your firm or company, please contact Mara Sonderman. Attorneys who are seeking assistance with a confidential search are also welcome to discuss career options.